Wowwwwwww~ I've had to use a fire hose to put out the flames, my one-of-a-kind were so hot, they disappeared off the shelves in a flash. In total we created over thirty One-of-a-Kind Limited Editions. We've come to end of this special fabric and will have to wait awhile to replenish the stock.
No stopping this Sister Act, though! When the creative juices begin flowing, watch out, and watch this space.....below!
This looks familiar to some of you, but for new visitors to my blog, this is the basics of an Heirloom Crazy Quilted Baby Block, that can be used as a unique wall hanging, a special decorative pillow, or a cover for the baby's first photo album.
This is our new way to help you visualize your finished product.
What you see here is a mock up of the block using some of the fabric, trim and embellishments that are included in the package. These are just placed in position (not sewn) to give an idea of how to put it together, bringing out the beauty of the elements, including baby.
The package also contains a pdf booklet with step by step illustrated instructions plus many colour photos of embroidered seams, etc. Batting and enough fabric to back and bind the block is also included, as is your baby's photo and birth details printed on silk fabric. A colour photo of our mock up will be included in each package.
Pink and green is just one of many colour selections that are available. Several colour choices will be ready on Etsy by the end of the week. |
You can see some finished blocks here.
1 a.m Helena cannot stop!
A week or so ago, I wrote that my sister is visiting and I mentioned then that she came across my small selection of unique fabrics and offered to do something with them.
Well, my sister and I are still in the midst of these gorgeous beaded, sequinned and richly decorative fabrics and we're still having a wonderful time with them. There are little sparkly bits of sequins and beads all over the floor, the result of chopping them up for the One-of-a-Kind selections I am now selling in my Etsy shop. The first six packages that we made initially flew off the shelf, so we knew that not only did we love these fabrics, they were beautiful to others too. So that inspired us to continue.
It's so much fun choosing pieces that go together, arranging them, and magically it seems, a name for the selection is born.
This has been a labour of love because to put each selection together takes a lot of choosing, arranging, deciding which piece goes with each other, and what the story is behind the fabrics. And each selection, ultimately, feels like a piece of art just in placing the pieces together.
So here are some of our latest selections put together, on Etsy there are more photos of the fabrics.
The precious piece of beading in the centre was the inspiration for this selection. Below the beading is pleated organza which reminds me of Jean Butler in Riverdance. |
After Helena put this together, she called me over to look. At the same moment we both said to each other "Russian Roulette". A little telepathy here. |
Aunt Maude is sitting primly in her stuffed parlour chair. She reached deep into her closet (at least 60 years back) for just the right outfit to greet her many guests. |
Northern Princess started out as "Soft Spring", but somehow as we were working on it, we mislaid two pieces of fabric, and therefore we had to substitute two others. Suddenly we had the "Northern Princess". |
Here's a link to my Etsy shop.