
Thursday, October 30, 2014

CQ Teacups

I have been teaching crazy quilting at our local quilting store, Art of Fabric, for two years, one class a month, in four monthly sessions.  I have a couple of students that have been with me from the beginning, and are now beginning their 25th class!  We've been through, piecing and all it entails, masses of embroidery stitches, lots of silk ribbon embroidery, some brazillian, some stump work, sequin flowers, bead clusters, zipper flowers, etc., and as you can imagine it was becoming a stretch each month to find something new and interesting, especially as each is three hours long. 

This session everyone is making a tea cup pincushion.  Above are a couple that I made as samples for the class.


  1. Those are so cute! I am jealous that you have a group of ladies to stitch with! I wish I could find something like that here.

  2. Beautiful work Diane!!
    Thank you for sharing it.

    Adriana from Randa Lace

  3. Lovely work (as always), Diane. If you ever need class ideas, don't forget our reference files in CQI from past monthly challenges. They are listed in the main group Photos section. You will find them at the end, alphabetically, under z-Ideas - and then the subject name (trees, birds, buttons, spiders & webs, Words, bling, etc.)

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