
Friday, August 15, 2014

This summer has sped by!  Here we know that it is nearly over when our CNE (Canadian National Exhibition) is only days away.  It ends on Labour Day and then school starts.  

It's a few weeks since I posted last, and I have a bit of making up to do for sure.  

My son, Neil and family made the annual trip to Toronto on the weekend that a surprise birthday party was planned for his sister, Heather.  It was great fun, with 24 of us sitting at two huge round tables, selecting various delicious Chinese dishes spinning around the lazy susan in the middle.    Of course I made a cake.


 We arranged to meet the next day at the Ferry Docks for a trip to Centre Island, one of a series of small islands in Lake Ontario about one kilometre south of Toronto.  It has become one of the favourites of the kids because of "Centreville" an area of smaller rides.  An all-day family pass is reasonable and allows everyone unlimited rides, and we always take snacks and a lunch picnic.  

Heather & Lauren on the Teacup ride.

Suzie, Jack and Emily on the train ride

Heather and Lauren on the train
Josh, Caleb and Elijah

All 8 grandchildren: Josh, Brynn, Emily, Lauren, Elijah (standing) Jack with baby Samuel and Caleb!

Neil, Lee Ann and nephew Samuel
The day always ends with ice cream for all the cousins!

It was a wonderful to have my three kids, their partners and all the children together at the same time.  


  1. Wow, I can't believe how big the grandkids are getting!! It looks as though you all had a delightful time. :-)

  2. Looks like a fun day! Beautiful cake too, of course!
