
Monday, April 1, 2013

Family Time

It's a wonderful thing when you get your three kids, their spouses, and all the grandchildren in the same place at the same time, and to boot.....a great photo of the 7 grands and my nearly 97 year old mum.

From the left, Caleb and Brynn my two French/Canadians, Mum with Lauren;  Jack with his sister Emily, and Josh and Elijah, Lauren's older brothers.

I couldn't get my kids and partners together for a photo,  maybe next time!

PS  Don't miss your chance at one of my special One of a Kind packages of fabrics.  I celebrated my 500th post last Wednesday.  If you leave a message on that post you'll be entered into the draw, to take place next Sunday 7th April.

1 comment:

  1. what an awesome photo op Diane, we were able to get a shot with my mom and all her grands and greats. A true treasure, isn't it!?
