
Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Sewing for grand-daughters...

In my post before Christmas I mentioned that I had been doing some sewing.  I have three grand-daughters, one in Quebec who received the little bag for her birthday in October, and two here.

I started off with some great fabric that Suzie had bought years ago for a baby shower.  She only needed a fat quarter sized piece and had enough left over for a little tunic.  This wasn't a Christmas gift as I had promised to make something of the fabric when she had a daughter.

This was a easy pattern to use, so I made another one from Matheson tartan fabric.  The hem is only tacked.

I love this pattern, it is from the '70s and is only size 2. This one is for Emily also and I'm searching for more small sizes to make this dress for the other two girls.  

The snuggle quilt is for baby Lauren.  I chose ballerina fabric on the fluffy side and blue and silver fairy wands on the back.

And this little smock is for Lauren.  Of course I couldn't stay away from the chicken scratch!  The neck binding is eyelet lace.

It sure was fun sewing these little items.  

Hope you all had a good Christmas.

And have a Happy, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.


  1. They are all so cute! I also love that 70s dress - design AND fabric. And the chicken scratch embroidery! That's on my to do list of techniques to try. Looks like you've been having fun!

  2. Wow! You sure have been doing a lot of sewing!! Everything is so cute, and it energizes me to do more clothes sewing! have a wonderful visit with Mo in Florida! Hugs, Cat
