
Sunday, April 15, 2012

CQJP2012 - April's second block

This is the second block for April.  The beading in the lower corner is from Nancy Eha's Seed Bead Botany, an online course offered by Maureen Greeson.  

 I've been using Carole Samples book "Treasury of Crazy Quilt Stitches as inspiration  for the fan blocks for the CQJP2012 challenge.   Above on the left is the design from the book, and on the right my interpretation.  (Miss Samples gave her permission to me to reprint stitch diagrams from her book.)


  1. Diane, I am starting to think that this quilt is going to be unbelievably beautiful! What a great project.

  2. Thanks Monica! I'm enjoying the process. I'm still not decided on which way the blocks will sit together.

  3. I guess you will have to try different arrangements once you have them done. Let me know if you need help deciding!

  4. Such pretty beading on your block! I love what you're doing with your CQJP.
