
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Canada Blooms 2012

One of my "sugar" groups, CSSA had a booth at Toronto's Canada Blooms Show this past month.  It was our prize for winning the best booth in the show last year.  Can you imagine, sugar flowers winning over real ones.  That just shows how realistic our creations are!  We were a little tight on space this time, so we had to scale down our exhibit.  And because one aspect of the show was supporting a cure for cancer, our booth was designed with that in mind.  

Our booth with our President, Eduarda, a lady with so many great ideas and the ability to put them into action. 

Our members were given the task to fill a yellow plantpot with sugar flowers in honour of someone who is a survivor, being treated for, or who has passed due to cancer.  The response was great and very touching.  

It was a really interesting display and there was the usual amount of astonishment when visitors discovered that the flowers were all made from sugar.

My friend Verdie and I spent a good part of one day demonstrating.  It's fun to produce a life-like rose in front of folks who have not seen the sugar version before!

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