
Monday, March 12, 2012

Chikan Embroidery

I'm taking part in Anita's stitchalong.  She's teaching a bunch of us an Indian embroidery style called Chikan embroidery.  Anita's blog is Artistic Fingers and is on my sidebar.
There are stitches at the back of the work that show through as a shadow.  I'm enjoying doing it, but have realized several things so far:

  • I need better glasses!  Towards the end I used my lighted magnifier, and there is a great improvement. On the left side where the darker pink starts, I began using the magnifier. 
  • Garbage in, garbage out, I think I remember that from computers.  And the same holds true here, do a good job of tracing the pattern and the little shapes will be more even when embroidered.

1 comment:

  1. This looks very nice in the variegated pink thread, Diane. I've been working on mine, too. Isn't it fun?
