
Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year

I spent a marvellous New Year's eve at my nephew Hamish's wedding to his sweet fiance Ali.  The view from the banquet room had a three-sided view of Kingston, Ontario's harbour.  The wedding was off-site and the next photo shows Ali's beautiful dress, back view.

The dress was full of flounces, front and back, and  she floated down the aisle.

Of course Aunty Di (me) made the cake along with my cake partner Verdie.  The cake is sitting on the Matthew tartan. The men in the wedding party all wore kilts and they looked stunning, and even the groomsmen who had never wore kilts before said that they felt good.  

These are huge roses.  This cake is 6" diameter, the flowers are each 4" across.  

It was such good fun, my sister Helena, her daughters Rohanna and Dahlia, Rohanna's husband and their little son drove up from New York.  The dinner was delicious, the DJ played lots of oldies, and just before midnight we had Times Square live on a huge screen and did the count down.  After midnight there was more food, pizza and poutine - it's a Quebec thing!  French fries, cheese curds and gravy.  And then the Kingston New Year's Firework Show began over the harbour.   It really was a night to remember.  


  1. That sure sounds like a night to remember...Poutine, I love it, but its got to be Montreal style. Real cheese curds and Good gravy. Your cake was super beautiful your so clever.

  2. Beautiful cake, Diane! Sounds like a wonderful wedding.

  3. Happy New Year indeed!

    I cannot BELIEVE those roses are made from icing!!!!! You are a marvel Diane!!!

    How special to have a cake made by you. Congratulations on such a magical cake for a beautiful bride!
