
Monday, December 5, 2011

Commitments for 2012

I'm signing up for things, right, left and centre!  I'm going to be busy, busy, busy in 2012.  

First of all there's the CQJP 2012 where we will make a block a month for a project of our choice;  then there's TAST, take a stitch Tuesday organized by Sharon B., where she will choose a different stitch each Tuesday for us to investigate, practice and experiment with. 

And now I have found WIPocalypse which deals with the forgotten, unfinished piles of sorry, neglected projects.  For this challenge we will list our WIPs, and check in each full moon to report on our progress.  I think this is brilliant.  If you think it's brilliant and worth a look, check here for information. 

And because I don't believe in writing something without  adding a picture, here's my biggest WIP that needs to be finished.

This is a lovely selection of vintage hankies I collected from E-bay a few years ago.  I appliqued each one onto a square of white cotton and they will become a quilt....hopefully in 2012!



  1. I've been signing up, too! Aack! I hope I can keep up. It'll be fun to see your work and progress.

  2. I'm looking forward to seeing the Hankie quilt finished, I have hundreds of vintage hankies and have thought about making a quilt out of them.We will have to chat.

  3. WIPocalypse - what a great idea. Even when I finish a UFO or WIP/WISP, the pile never seems to go down! The good thing about TAST, Kerry`s Build-a-Seam and other technique challenges, is that they can often be incorporated into existing projects or RR`s, thus getting a double bang for your buck, so to speak!

    As a lover of vintage hankies, I am already in love with your quilt and can’t wait to see you work on and finish it!


  4. Hi! I realize that this is an old post, but I wondered if you ever finished your hankie quilt. I want to make a small one - a "tummy time" quilt for my soon to be born granddaughter. If you have finished - or just made more progress, I'd love to see pics - especially if you began joining the squares!

    Linda Turner
    Raleigh, NC
