
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Crazy Quilt Journal Pages 2012 Challenge

The new logo to the right is promoting a new challenge for 2012.

Every month, beginning in January, participants agree to produce one crazy quilted block, at least 6" x 6".  The block can be any shape, and can be larger than that measurement, but can be no less than 36 square inches:  6" x 6", 12" x 3", 4" x 9", etc. etc.

The CQJP2012 blog will carry the photos of participants' projects. There are loads of stitchers registered for this project, and I'm sure there will be some interesting and amazing stuff to look at.  Here's the link to the blog to check it out and read the rules and regulations.   

I'm planning to use my flower quilt, which is a WIP, and challenge myself to try again several techniques that I found difficult the first time around.  These would include tatting, needlelace and folded fabric flowers.   

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