
Friday, October 28, 2011

A bit of fun with dollies

The ladies at our Seniors have been knitting teddy bears like crazy for the Bazaar this weekend.  This is one of the many little and big bears, in a big variety of colours, using up lots of our small balls of wool.  The pattern is really easy - knit from the toes up and over and back to the toes.  The arms are stitches picked up on the sides, and the ears are pinched and sewn.  Easy as pie!  And they are cute!  But they are all boys!  
I used the same pattern (almost) and came up with a girl doll.  But it has taken me several tries at getting her right.  The first one has dislocated arms and thunder thighs.  The second one's a bit long in the body, and the third one, who knows what she will turn out like until I actually stuff her! 

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