
Sunday, July 18, 2010

Stumpwork RR - Gerry's Block

This block has been the biggest challenge I have given myself since I began crazy quilting.  Stumpwork itself is by far the most challenging of crazy quilting techniques, and I would never have guessed that two years after I began to crazy quilt, I would be tackling this type of embroidery.  The first photo is Gerry's block with Arlene, Karrin and my contribution.  The next photo is my work which tells a story, a true story about a sick bee.  Sometime in the 1980s, my mum was out in the country picking wild blackberries and spotted a bee in obvious distress resting on a leaf.  She watched it for a while and then placed a blossom next to it on the leaf hoping it could gain a little nourishment.  A little later mum said it was able to fly off, but before it went very far, it made a u-turn, flew back and landed on mum's hand as a gesture of appreciation, it rested for a moment and then flew off.                                   Real blackberry fruit and blossoms.


  1. Lovely work Diane, not bad for a first time, your doing extremely well.

  2. Diane, what a lovely story! And your stitching is absolutely beautiful and even more so with the story! Hey, summer is flying by and it’s only two months until our adventure begins this fall! Hugs, Cathy

  3. I love this story Diane. I'm just wondering how in the heck you made the hand? It's fabulous. And for someone who just started stumpwork, your work looks like a pro!!

  4. Hello fellow Canadian...
    LOVE LOVE your work.
    I took a stumpwork class once and just loved it, but oh my it is certainly a challenge, but enjoyable...
    I must sign up for your blog, You are certainly an inspiratiion.

  5. Hi Diane, I love all your works.. beautiful decorations and wonderful pics.. Do check out my craft works at
