
Saturday, January 2, 2010


Always game for a challenge I jumped right in on the New Year Postcard swap at CQI.  Postcards seem like they would be a breeze to do, simple, quick, easy.  Well, not for me.  First of all how many layers?  I tried one with a velvet top with felt inside and muslin as the back and bonded together with iron-on stiffener.  It was too solid to finish off the edges.  The second try showed that sequins cannot be ironed, even from the back, as they flatten out. I hand buttonhole stitched the edge, and it's passable.  The third try is this at the right.  The sequins are flattened again as i had to iron on the stiffener.  I made myself learn how to do this edging on my machine with some metallic gold thread which worked OK.   

Here are my practice pieces.  None are good enough to swap.  I'm going to try once more........


  1. I wish you a happy and creative 2010.

    I had the same problem with the sequins. Now I use Aslan between the 2 sides. It's a sheet that’s self adhesive on both sides, so you don't need an iron.

  2. Happy New Year to you too Annet. Thanks for the suggestion, it sounds as if it would solve the problem.

  3. hey not bad for a first try. I have made one and it was slightly lop sided. Your stitching and colors are great. And Annet's suggestion is great. I think I will try that too.

    Thank you for sharing:)

    Ann Flowers

  4. Hi Diane for a first try they look really good. I will tell you how I do it. I use basically 3 layers a back, front and peltex/timex in the middle to give it some strength. I stitch my top and add any embellishments then I take a piece of steam a seam and put it around all the edges and iron it down but only on the edges then I stitch around it with button hole or whatever I decide to do it with. Hope this helps. This is Sharon so if you have any questions just email me my addy is on the group site....
    Sharon G
