
Wednesday, October 14, 2009

More flowers...

Isn't this a lovely stitch? I found it in one of my new books, "Three Dimensional Embroidery Stitches". It's the raised chain band and is very easy to do. I was lucky that my fabric was printed with squares so it ended up quite neat. I used Sassa Lynne #5 because it changes colour quickly.
This is a snowdrop and I tried the woven leaves. I found using a long needle instead of a shorter pin worked much better at holding the picot in place. The stem in the book was Palestrina stitch, but I had forgotten how to do it and couldn't quite understand the instructions. I did stem stitch and wove another thread through it.
This is a cast on flower, but the trick is get the petals to lie flat and facing the right way. I may have to tack them down.


  1. Don't you just love that book, Diane? It is one of my favourites! You really did great work on everything you tried out of there - beautiful stitching!

  2. Lovely, lovely flowers, Diane! Your experimentations always yield such beautiful results! I must see if I've got that book in my stash. It is definitely indoor stitching weather here! Hugs, Cathy

  3. I have this book too! Can't wait to learn from it. Your stitching looks great!
