
Thursday, April 23, 2009

My favourite things RR, Cathy's Pines block movin' on!

Cathy's Cowboy block will be on it's way later today to it's next stop on our RR. Here it is after it's visit to my place. I posted before, about a week ago, on it's progress. Now I am finished and I have to say it was fun to do. Brown is definitely not a colour I like much, but Cathy's various brown fabrics were really interesting. She has some lovely Japanese satin, leather look fabric and gorgeous brown heavy lace trim. Before I began stitching I flipped through one of my stitch books and found two stitches that would be perfect - the wheat ear and the fly stitch. I used the wheat ear behind the fence to look like cattle. And the fly stitch looks good on the stacks of wheat.
Below is the fence, the cows and the re-worked trees.A flowery seam and some wagon wheels Stacks of wheat (oats? barley?).


  1. You used the wheatear stitch in it's Dutch translation! Here we call it "ossekopsteek" and that's the Dutch word for "head of the ox stitch". I like all the stitching you did on this block.

  2. Annet, that's very interesting! There is also an "ox" stitch in my book, but the ears are straight stitches placed about 1/16" away from the head, so we can't have an ox with his ears floating at the side of his head!!!
