
Friday, December 5, 2008

East End Cake Decorators - 2009 Meetings

Hello everyone! EECD Executive is working on next year's monthly meetings to bring you what YOU would like. At present we have no plans for our Sunday meetings in 2009. We feel that the hands-on workshops suit our members best, and we have members who are willing to share their expertise. So.....we need suggestions and ideas for the January to May meetings. The June meeting will probably be the Cake Competition. From time to time we could bring in someone special to run a more advanced topic. In this case we may need the hall longer, say from 12 until 4pm to have enough time. We want to know what you want to learn! So we need your input. If you are interested in running a workshop, we'd like to know that too. I hope that every one of you will leave a message here with your suggestion/s - the more ideas, the better. Thanks Diane


  1. Using dowels for supporting a stacked cake was a suggestion I was given today for a demo at a future meeting.

  2. At the meeting today (Dec. 14) there were some more suggestions. David suggested making a patchwork quilt for a baby cake, which led to putting a baby under the quilt and putting it on a small placque. He also suggested a penguin workshop.

  3. Hi Diane

    I might be interested in hosting a workshop given the date available....also if you all require a space for your meetings, I will be opening my new shop in Pickering this spring which will have lots of room for meetings - there will also be cake supplies available for sale as well as I will be hosting many special guest cake classes - please contact me for further information as I would like to inform your members of this exciting news!

  4. Another suggestion for upcoming workshops: pastillage angels that Lyne and Diane K made for the December meeting
