
Friday, September 12, 2008

Details 43 to 46. 48, 49, 50, & a Special P.S.

I've been working hard trying to catch up with the details. I added a whole lot of patches to my wall hanging which gave me lots of empty seams. Here are the new details:

Detail 43 Detail 44 Detail 45 Detail 46 Detail 48 Detail 49 Detail 50

PS.......Just noticed that this is my 99th blog!!! Can't believe it actually. So, I would like to give a nice prize to a winner that will be drawn randomly from those who leave a message on this post.


  1. You have done such a fabulous job of keeping up with the details. Now that Summer is over, I am rejoining the detail bus. You have been an inspiration to behold and I am so excited for your 100th post! Congratulations on both fronts!

  2. Thank you so much! I also started Take a Stitch Tuesday, but I had to give that up! 100 details was quite enough!

  3. Congratulations on your 100th post. I love your stitching!

  4. Pick me...Pick me :) I love the little flower embellishments that you have. Congrats on your 100th post....amazing that my mum has a blog before I do!!!

    Love Ya!

  5. Oh my - each detail is prettier than the next. I think 49 is my favorite so far.

    I am brand spanking new to crazy quilting so I am soaking up your blog like a sponge.

    I'm not sure if I want to just roll over and give up because I'll never be as good or take inspiration!

  6. Oh yes you will Andrea! I only began CQ in March. Granted, I had done some embroidery and was really keen on silk ribbon embroidery. Just start small, even if you just practice your stitches on a piece of fabric to begin with.

  7. Always looking forward to the next detail post!!! Congrats on your posting blogaversary...hope to have my name in the hat too!!
