
Thursday, September 25, 2008


Here they are, all ready for their trip to Quebec tomorrow. Now I'd better get some housework done......

Monday, September 22, 2008

East End Cake Decorating Club - September 21st, Meeting Summary

The meeting commenced at 2:00 pm. There were 14 members and guests present. Diane K. welcomed everyone. BUSINESS MEETING Diane K announced the winners of the Sugar Art contest and distributed the certificates. The Club Executive is now as follows: President: Lyne Coderre.......Vice President: Yvette Belfonte......Treasurer: Cynthia Thorn.....Assistant Treasurer: Diane Kingston......Secretary : Diane Kingston......Membership Chair : Verdie Jackson......Email Correspondent: Diane Matheson......Telephone Correspondent: Jean Skinner......Refreshment Chair: Shirley Peters........Raffle: Shirley Peters Dues for the year were collected. As was agreed at the June meeting, there will be no pay-as-you-go alternative. Guests are free for the first meeting and, if they like it enough to return, they will pay the dues and become members. Diane M and Verdie Jackson led the workshop on quilling. Just some of the pieces members made at the workshop. At October 19th's meeting Diane K will lead the workshop and show how to make shoes with no cutters. If time permits, a small purse will also be done. A list of tools and ingredients will be emailed.

It was a good start to our new season and members were pleased that most meetings will be in the form of a workshop and will be hands-on.

More progress and a reminder.

My little fingers are almost raw, but I'm within sight of the prize! Just have to finish to band and sew it up. There's a little bit more embroidery on the yoke, then put the sundress together and it'll be done.

Just a reminder that I'm having a drawing for a prize to celebrate my 100th blog. The first message was on the 99th post. Just leave me a message and tell me where you are writing from and you will be entered into the draw.

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Here it is Sunday and I've finished the back and sleeves. The fronts are cast on and ready to go. The yoke is coming along too. I still have a few seams to do and a thistle to embroider somewhere for our Scottish heritage.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Will I finish on time?

It's a race against time as I'm hoping to finish the little sundress (see a previous post) and a sweater to take to Quebec next Friday for my new grand daughter expected in November. The sleeves and half the back are finished and I have begun the embroidery on the dress. There won't be beads or embellishments, probably lots of french knots and bullions to decorate it up a bit.


Isn't it just the best feeling when you have finished something and it is finally framed. I made this Under the Sea block for my friend and he did a really nice job framing it with a piece of door frame edging. It will hang in his living room in Florida, a very appropriate home for it!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


In the September 3rd post I showed how my friend and I made frangipani blossoms, well, this Wednesday (our sugar day together), we set them on a little plaque. We could use it for a small cake topper, or in the corner of a slab cake.

A new project

Mum and I are going for a few days' visit to my son and daughter in law in Morin Heights, Quebec. They are expecting my first grand daughter in November and I am knitting a pink cardigan for the baby and to go along with that, a sun dress. I was hoping to have smocked a little dress, but I didn't get my act together in time, so it will be a crazy quilt sundress!!
I found this pattern, and the crazy quilt bit will be the yoke, in pinks and white. I will be trying hard to finish the cardigan and the dress before next Friday!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Detail 55

This detail looked quite nice until I took the picture and saw my stitching in close-up! I must try harder to get these little lazy daisy stitches neater. Also, does anyone find that the inside piece of the oyster stitch seems to move around a bit?

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Details 52, 53, and 54

100 details in 200 days is one detail every two days, and detail 54, the button cluster, was due on the 15th September, so I have finally caught up with the schedule! Talking about the buttons, the centre section of the big middle button is actually cord and is especially nice.

Detail 52

Detail 53

Detail 54

Monday, September 15, 2008

East End Cake Decoraing Club - September 21st, Meeting

Well folks, it’s our first EECD Meeting this Sunday afternoon from 2pm to 4pm at St. Margaret’s in the Pines on Lawrence Avenue East, just north of Kingston Road. Elections were held at the last meeting, but due to low attendance, not all positions were filled. This is a list of positions filled. Refreshment coordinator: Shirley Peters.......Emailing: Diane Matheson............Membership: Verdie Jackson............Raffle: Shirley Peters................Back-up calling: Jean Skinner.............President: Lyne Coderre...........Treasurer: Cynthia Thorn................Assistant Treasurer: Diane Kingston............Secretary Diane Kingston We can decide at the meeting if there are any other positions to be filled, and hopefully fill them. For example, should we have a Vice President? And perhaps two people might like to share one position. Membership dues of $25 for the 2008/09 year are due at this meeting. It was decided that “pay as you go” $5 per meeting will not be offered. It will be $25. for the year. ***There will be a Show and Tell from what you have done this summer, so please bring in whatever you have made over the summer (our summer challenge was to do whatever we wanted to bring for show and tell) and any photos of cakes you have made during the summer. ***Diane Kingston will bring in the certificates for the winners of the contest. ***We’re going to have Lovingly Used table for anyone to bring in things they want to sell. The items should be priced and ready to go. The club will get 10% of the sales. Whatever is not bought can be taken home and brought back for another try, if so desired, or given to the raffle, or anything else short of leaving it for someone else to take care of. WORKSHOP: At this first meeting we are holding a workshop on Quilling. Quilling is normally a paper craft, but can be adapted to cake decorating using narrow strips of gumpaste. Please bring to this workshop: A small amount of gumpaste (There will be some available at nominal cost.) Basic tools: board, rolling pin, cornstarch puff, water, paintbrush, toothpicks, etc. Strip cutters, if you have a set. Piece of Styrofoam about 8” square, or a Styrofoam cake dummy, long pins.

Looking forward to seeing you all at the meeting. Diane Matheson

P.S. Formatting in this programme is difficult, it runs everything together, so that's why there are dots in between the executive positions, and flowers between the paragraphs.

P.P.S If anyone knows Bibi Mohamed, could you let her know about the meeting. Her e-mail bounced back.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Certainly worth a look!

Jane - Crazy here and now just posted a photo of a block she's working on that uses up scraps of thread and ribbon. It's so unique! It's certainly worth a visit. Jane's blog is listed on the right side of mine.
Of course, everyone has scraps of this and that, so I tried it with some fancy bits of yarn. Here's the result:
Now, let's see what I can do with it!

Detail 51 & 100 posts!

Detail 51

Well, I'm half way through the 100 details and also this is the 100th post. So something to celebrate!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Details 43 to 46. 48, 49, 50, & a Special P.S.

I've been working hard trying to catch up with the details. I added a whole lot of patches to my wall hanging which gave me lots of empty seams. Here are the new details:

Detail 43 Detail 44 Detail 45 Detail 46 Detail 48 Detail 49 Detail 50

PS.......Just noticed that this is my 99th blog!!! Can't believe it actually. So, I would like to give a nice prize to a winner that will be drawn randomly from those who leave a message on this post.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Details 39, 46 & 47

I added a few more patches to my wall hanging so that I could keep up with the 100 details.
I managed to finally figure out how to the up and down buttonhole stitch in a feather stitch way. This is Detail 39.

And this is Detail 46

and Detail 47

Friday, September 5, 2008

My favourite things RR

Just finished my contribution to Niki-Lee's lovely block. It came from Cathy who did some pretty work on it. Here are some photos:

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


My friend's family get together for a competitive Rib Fest, usually on the Labour Day long weekend. Each family brings a rack of ribs and their favourite, secret sauce and we have a cook off! This happened on Monday and we sat around the pool from about 3pm to 7pm having a great time. Of course it wasn't just ribs, it was corn on the cob, salad, baked beans, garlic toast and a cake. It was also my friend's birthday, so that was incorporated into the day's fun. Here's a picture of the cake.

Wednesday is Cake day!

For a few years now my cake friend Verdie and I have saved Wednesday afternoons to play around with sugar!
Today we had a fun day first of all finishing off white roses and leaves for an October wedding.

After that we decided to try making a flower that neither of us had tried before. It was pictured on a wedding cake in one of our books, no name, no instructions. We thought it was a gardenia, but it turned out to be frangipani.

Here's a quick tutorial on how to make this flower:

I used an orchid petal cutter. The petals are quite waxy, so roll the gum paste out fairly thickly. Tool the edge just slightly.

Fold the petals in half and slightly twist them.

Brush a little water on the bottom on each petal and layer them, one on top of the other. Fold the two outside petals around to join.

Adjust petals, and pinch off any excess paste from bottom. At this point you can push a moistened hooked wire into the bottom of the flower. Here are our first attempts. When they have dried, we'll dust the middles cream and steam them to give a nice sheen. These are without wire so will be attached to a cake with royal icing.