
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Hearts and Flowers

Crazy Quilting for Newbies is a lovely friendly site which encourages new crazy quilters without being too regimented about fabrics or embellishments. The ladies there are full of encouragement and kindness. Just recently they began a "Hearts and Flowers Shower" for members who celebrated a momentous occasion, either happy or sad. Any member who wishes can send a partially done 8" CQ square on the hearts and flowers theme.
So far I have done two, and I could hardly stop myself from finishing each of them!


  1. Oh these are gorgeous! You do great work!

  2. Olá Diane's! Encantada com seu Blog e com seus trabalhos. Adorei a matéria.
    Também adoro bordado.
    Convido a me visitar. Será um prazer recebê-la.
