
Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Falling Behind!!!

Maybe some of you have noticed that I haven't posted any new details of the "100 Details in 200 Days" in a while. The problem has been that I have run out of seams to work on. I have no blocks "on the go". Since I started CQing in March I have accumulated six completed blocks (which I think will make a nice wall hanging for my bedroom), but I don't want to start another block unless it is for a gift or RR. So this evening I decided to begin my big wall hanging for the living room, just so I could get some seams to work on. I hadn't planned on starting this big project so soon, but, hey, I 'm up for the challenge!

It will be 4' x 2' 1/2". The maroon bit that I have laid out above is about 8" wide and should provide plenty of seams for the next month of details.


  1. I didn't notice Diane since you are so ahead of me! I've been traveling so much that it's been nearly impossible...but I know once September comes...I'll get some free time.

  2. That's going to be so pretty! Is it difficult to stitch the seams with the extra background hanging off?

  3. The first row was a breeze, but now I'm adding to what is in these pictures and it's getting pretty complicated!
