
Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Details 23 and 24

Both are supposed to be wisteria but could be mistaken for grapes! Detail 23 is done with 2mm silk ribbon and french knots that I wrapped either two or three times around the needle; detail 24 is the cast on stitch.
Detail 23

Detail 24


  1. I found that when I did mine I preferred the cast on stitch. Which did you like better?

  2. I had trouble with the cast on stitch knowing where to start it and then finding out it faced the wrong way. I really liked using the 2mm silk ribbon, especially as I have quite a few shades.

  3. Hi Diane, I just wanted to let you know that I have nominated you for the "Brillante Weblog Premio-2008" award. I believe you truly deserving of this award. The 'rules' are on my blog. I hope that you will also find someone deserving to pass it on to.

  4. I thought WISTERIA as soon as I saw them ! They are wonderful !

    The birthday cake for your son is lovely ! and I did not know about Gum Paste ! thank YOu !

    Love how you organized your beads and I am taking a tip there because mine are okay in the toolbox I have for them,...but still get messy and mixed up. I like see thru bags TABBED ! and in a dish / storage box.

    But your block ! your crazy quilted block and all of it's delicious stitching. WOW WOW WOW I could hardly tear myself away from looking and looking and looking at that !

    Congratulations on your Brilliant Blogging Award.

    Indeed you deserve it with such creativity and spirit as I see here !


  5. Hi!
    I love your blog and have an award for you over on my blog! Please come on over and take a look.
    alicia in Hawaii
