
Monday, June 30, 2014

Cakes and more cakes

My friend Verdie and I worked on display cakes for a friend who was launching his catering business.

  This one is very tall, covered in pearlized rose petals, with a sparkling broach on the top tier and a garland of crystals around the bottom.

Close up of crystals.

Bottom tier of this cake is covered with hydrangea blossoms.  I think we made 18 dozen flowers.  The top tier has a large peony on the side.

Close up of blossoms

Close up of peony on top tier

When you run out of brown colour paste, this is the shade you get.  It's a soft dusty pink.  Verdie had already made the calla lilies.  

Topsy turvey cake with three large roses on the top


My friend Verdie and I 

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Emily's 3rd Birthday

A third birthday for my granddaughter Emily.  At that age it seems that all little girls are into pink, lilac and princesses.  My daughter, Suzie helped with the design of this cake and also provided the pretty model of Princess Sophia.  It's all very well to model bubble guppies or lego men, but getting princess's faces and fingers looking just right is important, and Suzie understood.  

The cake was really pretty, mainly due to the backdrop of the castle, which is a story in itself.  Through my cake club, CSSA in Toronto, we were very lucky to attend a cake decorating workshop by Ruth Rickey from the USA.    

Here we are, my friend and cake partner Verdie, Ruth, and me with our class samples.

Ruth's class was called Japanese Kimono Embroidery.  The technique lent itself perfectly for the castle on the birthday cake.

Friday, June 13, 2014

Birth Day and Birthday

This little sweetie arrived on May 30th, a bit ahead of schedule.  He is Samuel Stephen and is my daughter and husband's new baby.  He has two big brothers, Josh and Elijah, 4 and 6, and a sister, Lauren, 2.

Just a couple of week's before Samuel arrived we celebrated Lauren's second birthday.  Lauren's favourites are the Bubble Guppies, so Verdie and I made the little characters to order.

Good to the last crumb.

My nephew's friend Alison made this neat baby stroller for a  family get-together to welcome my new great nephew James.