
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Colorado bound......

I'm all packed and ready to roll.  Leaving tomorrow morning at 5:00am by car to Buffalo to catch a flight to Salt Lake City to visit my Crazy Quilting friend Cathy.  We'll spend some really crazy days together, then drive through Wyoming to Estes Park in the Colorado Rockies for our Annual CQI September Shenanigans. From next Wednesday until the following Monday, we'll all stay in a big chalet with some old and some new friends.  

I'll report back in about two weeks!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

East End Cake Decorators

The next meeting of the East End Cake Decorators will be on Sunday, September 25th, 2011, at St. Margaret in the Pines, Lawrence Avenue East, Toronto.
This is the first meeting of the 2011/12 year, and membership dues of $25 are due in full at this meeting.

Yvette Belfonte will demonstrate the gelatin bubble and sugar glass.

For those wishing to participate, the following is a list of things to bring.

Water balloons (these are really tiny - check any dollar store)
Duct tape
Unflavored gelatin
Small microwave bowl
Styrofoam block for drying
Small paint brush
Super Pearl dust

Hope to see you there!

The Rib-Off

The Day Family

This has become an annual event in Mo's side of the family.  We all used to go to the Labour Day Long Weekend Ribfest at Burlington's Lakeshore Park.  But gradually more of the family participated and the lines at the Ribfest got longer, so we decided to do our own.

Each adult couple provide either one or two racks of ribs and their special sauce (many special secret ingredients) and take turns at the barbeques at Gary and Bonnie's place.  Voting takes place and there is a winner and a special Rib-Off plaque for 1st place.           

Mo and I adding our sauce.  Mine is very spicy, his fairly mild.

Too much fire!

Nine different saucy ribs.

One of each, then cast your vote.

Winners!  1st Jimmy (middle), 2nd Bonnie & Gary (left), tied for 3rd Mike and Ben.
Thanks Gary and Bonnie for being great hosts to this Annual event.  Same time next year....????

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Flowers - finished

I'm finished.  I took out the little bit of coloured flowers and kept it all green at the bottom.  I also  took Sharon's B's suggestion of using buttons for the flower centres. I was lucky that I had three the same size in the right colours.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

More progress - flowers

I've finished the petals on this 5 1/2" x 4 1/2"  piece of embroidery for the Sumptuous Surfaces course.  This is our final week and I'm trying to finish on time!  I have some long green leaves to add, the raised stem stitch border to complete, and to decide the centres of the flowers.  I also need to make up my mind about what to do along the bottom - just green foliage or green with some small flowers.  I'm leaning towards just green.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Sumptuous Surfaces

We got to use colour for the second project in Sharon B's Sumptuous surfaces.    

I chose an analogous colour scheme and picked these threads. 

It's not easy for me to draw a design out of my head, but I kept it simple and was satisfied with this.  It's about 6" x 8" and it's on the same linen as I used for the rabbit.

Now I'm having fun!  The edge is going to be a raised chain. I'm filling in the petals very heavily, with any stitch I can think of!