
Saturday, July 30, 2011

Progress on the British Flag Block

The Rose of England

The Irish Shamrock - I used Gerry K's tutorial and made it on emerald green felt, outlining the shape with tiny chain stitches, then cutting out the shape after beading.  I used two strands of DMC and buttonhole stitch around the whole thing!

I was so lucky in two ways with my thistle.  I found this variegated dark green/purple thread for the leaves and stem, and the beads which look pretty good as the calyx.  

Monster Rose

I can be so tempted when it comes to cake decorating tools.  And this set of rose petal cutters is my latest indulgence.  I visualize a marvelous monster rose, stunning on the top tier of a wedding cake.

The largest of these petal cutters is 4" across, the smallest 3/4".  The bud is 1 3/4" high.  

Here is the bud with it's first four petals.  And to show the size, a  quarter. 

I'll post more photos as it grows bigger.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

All About Angels RR

This is my naked block for the CQI All about angels RR.  I began with a cute little impressed angel image on the centre velvet patch, but it was too small.  I checked through my "angel" stash and found this perfect angel.  I put her on a cloud of tule which covered the velvet image.  I fiddled a long time to get my picture on point, but it's still a little off.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Thank Goodness, these have been found.

CT Publishing has recently announced that a few quilts, in their guardianship, disappeared after Spring Quilt Market. They've done everything they can do to find these quilts and are now asking for our help to find 3 cover quilts and a table runner.

The quilts have gone missing from a quilt show. Please take a good look at the photos, and watch for these turning up somewhere.  CT Publishing, who had these quilts in their possession, has offered a $4,000.00 reward for the return of the quilts.  If only one quilt is found, the reward will be pro-rated on the appraised values of the quilt.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Six cheeky monkeys!

It doesn't happen often enough, but this past Canada Day weekend, all six of my grandkids were under one roof!  From left, Jack (8) and his new sister Emily (4 weeks); Caleb (4-1/2), Josh (3-1/2), Brynn (2-1/2) & Elijah (1-1/2). Caleb and Brynn are brother and sister; Josh and Elijah are brothers.