
Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Welcome Emily!

Here's the latest addition to my family.  This little sweetheart is now 8 days old and is the second child for my daughter Suzie and husband John, and baby sister to Jack 8. Emily is my 6th grandchild and second grand-daughter.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Basically Beaded RR Eye Candy

My beautiful basically beaded block!  This is my finished CQI RR block worked on so richly by Arlene, Kathy, Meg and Pegsue.  The block weighs a ton!

Arlene's work on the top right corner, the whole block photo shows the pink dangly flowers patch better. 
Buttonhole stitch with pearly flowers, and blue button flowers, with leaves.  Love the buttons! 

Arlene's pretty flowers, chevron and sequin seam and clear beaded corner.

Arlene's pendant from her childhood, a special addition!
Kathy's four beaded seams around the centre patch.  These are very detailed.   Meg added the silver feather as a focal point in the middle. 

A close-up of Kathy's grape vine.

Meg's beaded wheel of many colours!  Meg also wrote that she had added a few more seams.
Pegsue's super neat paisley.
Pink pearly flowers one on each side of the paisley.
These are two gorgeous seams that I couldn't find an owner for in the booklet.  Please let me know so I can give you credit. 

Brazilian RR Eye Candy

My finished Brazilian CQI Round Robin.  The group working on this RR did a great job.  The block is beautiful and very delicate.  The majority of work was embroidered with Edmar threads which are not for the faint of heart.  Thanks to Karrin, Kathy, Rebecca, and Deloris (Dee).
Deloris' lovely corner spray.  Dee, you are certainly more than a beginner at Brazilian!

Karrin's sunny daisy and cast on stitch flower

Karrin' very neat bullion and french knot sprays and cast on stitch seam. See the whole block photo for it all.

Kathy's classy bullion roses spray and bullion seam.
Kathy's feather stitch and star flowers!  The flowers sit high and are very pretty with the variegated boucle thread.

Rebecca's pretty and colourful spray, and Rebecca, there will be no unpicking by me, it's lovely work!

Rebecca's "falling roses"! 

I had to wait to take the photos because I left my photo box behind at my sister's in NY on my way back from the Adventure in Connecticut.  I found two different sized opaque containers and my handy friend cut the circle out to hold my camera lens.  Using these I don't need a tripod and can use the macro for close ups.